How to Write Powerful Website Copy that Connects & Converts

Website copy (AKA the words on the pages of your website) heavily determines your success in online business!

When people land on your website, what do they see? Maybe you’ve created a beautiful site by purchasing a template or working with a designer. But beyond your website’s aesthetics, what is it communicating?

We live in an era of attention deficit. Thanks to the explosion of short-form content like TikTok and Instagram Reels, people are used to consuming information quickly. We’ve got goldfish-like attention spans. 

So, communicating your message in a way that’s clear, concise, and captivating has never been more important. If you need help getting your website copy in tip-top shape, you’ve come to the right place!

How to Write Website Copy - Web Copy Template

How to Write Powerful Website Copy that Connects & Converts

Especially if you’ve never done it before, writing powerful website copy can feel like a challenge. I know what it’s like to sit at your computer staring at a blank Google Doc, praying for the right words to tumble out of your fingertips!

These tips will help you overcome writer’s block and finally start writing your website copy from a place of confidence.

Determine Your Website’s Goals + Purpose

It’s incredibly difficult to write website copy (or any copy for that matter) without knowing why you’re writing it! 

The words on your website aren’t just there to take up space – they need to serve a clear purpose for your business or brand. That might seem obvious to you, but I’ve seen a lot of entrepreneurs get so attached to the design of their website templates that they forget the content is what counts.

Copy should always dictate design – that’s why I recommend writing your website copy before designing your website. If you’re using a website template, you should make sure the strategy and layout fit with your messaging.

What is the purpose of your website? In other words, what’s the main call to action you’re hoping your website visitors will take?

Here are a few examples of concrete website goals:

  • If you’re a coach, the purpose of your website might be to allow clients to book free discovery sessions.
  • If you’re a wedding photographer, the goal of your website may be to have potential clients inquire about your services.
  • If you run an online store, the main objective of your site is to encourage people to make purchases. 

Along with your website’s primary goal, it might also have one or two secondary goals. A common secondary objective is to encourage users to sign up for your email list.

Having a clear understanding of your website’s purpose will give you the right lens for writing your website copy. Once you have a vision about where you’re headed, it’ll be easier to pave your audience’s way to that destination (more on that later).

Establish a Distinct Style

Another important factor that determines the success of your website copy is the tone or style of your writing. Adding personality to your messaging will set you apart from the competition. It’ll also help you build stronger connections with your audience.

But how do you establish a style that’s authentic and resonates with your audience?

This can be difficult, and it might take a bit of trial and error. The key point to understand is that your brand’s style has to match your target audience’s style.

Think about it – if your audience is generally made up of moms in their 40s, they’re going to be attracted to a much more subdued style than, say, their 13-year-old angsty children. 

Here’s the good news: you probably created your brand for people who are similar to you. So, your brand’s style likely isn’t much different from your style. 

Especially if you’re running your business solo for the time being, it’s ok for the lines between your “personal brand” and your “business brand” to blur a little. In fact, you can use this to your advantage! 

You already have at least some ideas about your communication style. If you’re struggling to define it, look through some of your past writing – Instagram captions, text messages with friends, work emails – nothing is off-limits. See if you can pull out any common threads in how you tend to communicate in writing.

Then, brainstorm three to five adjectives to describe your brand’s messaging style. When you’re writing your website copy, use these adjectives as a gut check to make sure the tone of your writing aligns with them.

Offer a Clear Path to Conversion

After you’ve determined your website’s purpose and you have a messaging style to aim for, it’s time to put those pieces together. 

The road leading your website visitors toward converting, or fulfilling your website’s goal, is paved with great copywriting.

For your website copy to do its job, it needs to identify with your audience and invite them to take action. Some areas of your website will focus on relating to your audience; others will be more directly geared toward converting website visitors into subscribers or customers.

Both sides of this equation are vital! If your website copy only focuses on asking for the sale or signup, you’ll come off as pushy and salesy. But, if you solely focus your writing on building connections, your website will never fulfill its purpose.

The key to effective conversion-driven copywriting is to identify your target audience’s problem, then invite them to explore your solution. 

So, sticking “BUY NOW” buttons in every single section of your website may not be the way to go. Instead, focus on meeting your website visitors where they are, and sprinkle in thoughtful CTAs that encourage them to dive deeper into your brand.

Confused people don’t buy – when you have a clear vision and you communicate it persuasively to your audience, that’s when they become your customers!

Need some extra help writing your website copy?
Download the FREE Homepage Copywriting Template!

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